WhitePages.co.nz is New Zealand phone numbers and addresses


Telecom White Pages® Home Page


At White Pages® we help you find who you are looking for. Whether it's organising the local mowing company while you're on holiday, or sending Aunty Mary a bunch of flowers - we can help.

In the same way we help Kiwi kids find solutions to issues they may face. That's why we're proud to support What's Up, a free, professional telephone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 18.

Just like we support Kiwi kids, we also support Kiwi artists. The White Pages Art Awards are one of the best-known art competitions in the country. Every year hundreds of emerging and established artists capture the essence of their region in their art. The winner's art is published on the cover of their local White Pages, and all entries are submitted to the White Pages Charity Auction. Where every dollar paid goes to What's Up.

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