User talk:Frans van Warnel

Welcome to!

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Hello, my name is Steven, and I'm excited that you've joined, a wiki website that you can edit constructively. If you have a website, please feel free to use its page as a resource for your business or organization. If you need assistance with using AboutUs, check out our Help Portal: The umbrella resource for all things help-related. To see some examples of how you can transform your page, view some of our Featured WikiPages. If you're uninterested in expanding the wiki page for your organization personally, our expert team of wiki coaches can write one for you through our article writing service.

Thank you again for creating an account and joining the AboutUs Community!

Please contact me if you have any questions, Steven | talk to me

Hello Frans,

Would you contact me at or leave a message on my talk page? Best, MarkDilley

Hi Frans, nice to get your note. It is my belief that most of us on this big blue marble care for each other and want a decent world. How doe we organize for that? I hope AboutUs can play a part. Best, MarkDilley

the email you received from AboutUs

This is called a watchlist email. It alerts you to changes to pages that you have edited on AboutUs. Please let me know if you have other questions or concerns. TedErnst (talk) 06:18, 30 November 2008 (PST)

I don't believe Joe Blogs commment was directed at you. Your name is listed W-A-R-N-E-L. The R-N (rn) can look like M (m) in some fonts. Just an illusion. TedErnst (talk) 05:07, 1 December 2008 (PST)

Getting connected

There is no need to make jokes about amateur brain surgeons in order to emphasize the importance of experts. hi Mark. I am still finding my way around.

I appreciate your feedback - and [we] at Vuzion have similar objectives as you seem to have at Us.

We use deBonoThinking as a basis of our objectives, and check a daily message such as:

Some writers cannot resist the temptation to elaborate. The result is often misunderstandings and confusion. Writing rules for games is a challenging exercise in simplicity. The writer may think that everything is perfectly clear - only to find that another explanation is perfectly logical.

There is a sort of law of communication that is as follows:

If something can be misunderstood then it will be misunderstood.

It is this lack of clarity that we should seek to avoid during our communications - whether verbal or written.

I'll get back to you later. Frans.

Checking back

Hello Frans, checking to see how you are. Best, MarkDilley