
Revision as of 16:18, 23 July 2008 by Brandon CS Sanders (talk | contribs) (First Consensus Project: Changed to Yes ... expect more refinements will make it even better :-))

This is a brainstorming page for Health for Oregonians. Please feel free to contribute/edit!! --ShelleySchoepflinSanders 22:09, 2 July 2008 (PDT)

First Consensus Project

As practice for large group consensus, and as a useful process to unify our vision, let's do the consensus process on the following document.

  • Who:
  • What: Consensus on Vision and Purpose, 4 Month Timeline, and Next Steps
  • How we'll know we have consensus: 100% of at least 8 participants change from "not yet" to "yes" on the following document. Just change the words next to your name above when you feel the documents are complete and represent your sentiments.
  • Instructions: There's a skeleton below. Start editing and chatting with each other :) Go team!

Vision and Purpose

Vision: Healthy Oregonians Desired Outcome: A fully representative Oregon consensus that comprehensively addresses the health of Oregonians

Strategy: Create and moderate a website where interested citizens can productively contribute to the consensus whether they have 5 minutes or 5 hours a week.

The website will bootstrap consensus in stages. Each successive stage will build upon the preceding stage, increasing the scope of the document and the number of participants. Consensus during each stage is defined by 90% of all participants endorsing a document to which all have the opportunity to contribute.

Four Month Timeline with Milestones

  • Target Community: Start with 20 diverse Oregonians who want to build a consensus vision statement for health.
  • Brief Project Description: To develop consensus among Oregonians about our vision for health (see Vision and Purpose above for details).
  • Possibility this Project Opens Up: Health for Oregonians
  • Project Name: The Oregon Health Consensus
  • Specific Measurable Results with Timeline:
  • Hold planning meeting for Aug 6 WikiWed. Goal completion: W, July 23, 7:30 pm, Sanders' home. Dessert provided.
  • Plan major outreach event (Sept 3 WikiWed). Goal completion: W Aug 6 at WikiWed
  • Increase our core group from 8 to about 20 members by inviting people we know to be interested. Goal completion: M, Aug 11
  • Have a website where people can do the following. Goal completion: Sat, Aug 16:
  • Login
  • Tell their story
  • Edit the consensus document
  • Register "yes" or "not yet" on the consensus document
  • Website will also measure the Sept 20 objectives
  • Present our ideas at a major event at WikiWed Sept 3
  • Have Oregonians outside our core group using our site. Goal completion: Sat, Sept 20
  • 200 Oregonians have logged in, told their sotry and registered "yes/not yet"
  • 75 Oregonians have done the above and listened generatively
  • 20 Oregonians have done the above 2 things and have edited the consensus document and also coached listeners
  • We (the community of at least 200 Oregonians) have built a consensus document including vision and next steps. Goal completion: Th, Oct 23. We'll know we're done when 90% of the 200 participants are "at" YES (only 10% at NOT YET) on the consensus document.

Next Steps

Your ideas here please!

Discussion Regarding First Consensus Project

The hurdle one needs to surmount to begin editing in Wiki is so high as to frustrate the novice.

Jerry, I think you are right about the barrier to getting started. We're building a new site with a primary goal of making it easier to participate for the novice. -- Brandon CS Sanders 09:14, 23 July 2008 (PDT)

I am concerned that 90% is a very high bar. Two concerns: one is that people will drift away without "voting," and remain at "not yet." ::The second concern: there are usually people attracted to politically-oriented projects who adhere rigidly to an ideology of one sort or another, and have trouble with the whole "genuine engagement" thing. Keeping that number down to 10% (presumably by coaxing people into a little flexibility/creativity) is a noble goal indeed, but could prove difficult to attain. -Pete 14:19, 18 July 2008 (PDT)

Hi Pete. 90% does seem like a high bar and I'm concerned about it too. We'll have to care for the drifters and engage participants in a different way than they are used to. If we get 90% of lots of Oregonians, then we are very clearly done. Also, when shooting for 90% people act differently in their listening than when going for a lower number. There is a sense that we can afford to ignore so-and-so problem participant when the number is lower. In my experience we've been able to get to 90% even though most participants initially feel that getting even a majority is out of reach. Admittedly these have been small polls, the largest being only about 60 people. I find the prospect of going for 90% inspiring and worth my best efforts (in your words a "noble goal"). As the number gets lower I begin to ask why I would even bother. --Brandon CS Sanders 16:05, 18 July 2008 (PDT)

Your points are all well taken, especially the idea of people approaching the project in a different way because of the ambitiousness of the goal. Thanks. Now, a procedural question: I feel close to "yes," but would feel a little better about it after some face time. Will I be holding the group back if I hold off until our meeting Wednesday? -Pete 18:51, 18 July 2008 (PDT)

Hi Pete, I feel as you do that the document is close to done, but I too want some face time. It's ok to stay at "not yet" until after our meeting Wed. --Shelley 06:55, 20 July 2008 (PDT)

Hi Shelley, Be sure to sign in as yourself when editing and sign your posts as you :-) --Brandon CS Sanders 10:04, 21 July 2008 (PDT)

Oops! Didn't mean to virtually forge your sig. Good catch! --ShelleySchoepflinSanders 00:37, 22 July 2008 (PDT)


  • Angela Beane ... varied, art and most in business, mba right now, common thread of volunteering ... interested in the money and organizational aspects of health care ... also interested in technology too ... generalist point of view ... learning and advocacy
  • Mark Dilley
  • Pete Forsyth (contact): background in advocacy, public policy, collaborative Internet technology. Interactive web has allows large groups to collaborate more effectively; Pete wants to bring that power to more traditional advocacy organizations, government, etc. See The Open Lobby for notes for a similar, but more general, project Pete has been developing.
  • Amy Sample Ward ... non-profit tech, technology non-profits can adopt to do their work more effectively, especially using social media
  • Brandon Sanders . . . computer scientist and collaboration enthusiast. I like to work with people to help them create things, especially things they didn't think they could create.
  • Shelley Sanders ... brand new internist ... work 3 days a week ... having baby ... spend time not working in hospital working on a project that would make a difference for large group of people
  • Gerald Schoepflin ... rheumatology ... take care of patients one at a time ... served on state committees that do evidence-based recommendations ... thought about expanding reach of influence
  • Shirley Schoepflin--BS in Nursing, have worked in Rheumatology practice over 20 yrs. Now work actively getting prior authorization for treatment of Rheumatic disease...submit claims to ins. for payment. I've worked with children at church for over 30 yrs. I would like to see children as part of the goal for this group.
  • Matt Webber

To invite:

Ways to Contribute to Consensus

Health matters to all of us. Many of us want to contribute. Defined tasks will help us contribute effectively, whether we have 5 minutes or 5 hours to give.

  • Facilitate
    • Share ... my story/values/needs, our story/values/needs, responding to questions, comments, and the document as it evolves
    • Listen ... hear the sharings of others
    • Coach ... help others improve their sharing/listening
  • Write
    • Research ... collecting references to comments, papers, studies about a particular question or topic
    • Synthesize ... distill ideas
    • Edit ... craft the presentation of ideas
    • Coach ... help others improve their researching/synthesizing/editing
  • Organize
    • Specify Tasks ... identify coaching opportunities and questions to share, research, and synthesize against
    • Prioritize Tasks
    • Coach ...
  • Recruit
    • Viral outreach ... participants share with family, friends, colleagues, and customers
    • Media outreach ...
    • Coach ...

Archimedes Notes

7/8/08 Shelley's conversation with Matt Webber

last legislative session, AM tried to put legislation through. Senate Bill 27.

certain entities weren't jazzed b/c we were talking about using Medicare dollars. bold plan that state leaders were not ready to take on.

Large public is not ready to have the conversation about health care in the way we want to have it.

We want to ask people "What do you want out of the health system" but they're not ready. Ask people what they want a benefit to look like and they cannot tell you.

We realized instead of starting with legislation we should start with conversations to create a groudswell of interest. AM will intersect again with the political process but we need to educated army and organized grassroots movement ready for that time.

So now we're trying to create a citizen committee to expose the flaws in the current system to create a ground swell of interest so that state or federal change actually will happen.

When Gov'r Kitzhaber created the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), they broke federal law. It could work to do that again if we had a groundswell or "tension" where the people are kind of "demanding" change. Key is to create tension between state and federal gov.

Ross Perot, Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr. all were asked to comment, which shows that local Oregon events can affect national policies.

Main goal right now is to educate the public. We've had one speaker's bureau training.

Next session we may or may not do a piece of legislation, b/c the presidential election will take a lot of energy/attention.

We do have principles and values -- they are in Senate Bill 329 (2007) - the Healthy Oregon Act. "our language" and "their bill."

The Oregon Health Fund Board (appointed by the state) has just finished 13 community town halls around the state to develop 329 process. AM members are on these committees.

Matt's suggestion: Type a summary of this idea and let Matt present it to Julie, Rick, Liz (director), and Gov'r.

There's an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to guarantee "healthchare" (not "health") for Oregonians.

Names for the Website

  • OregonHealthConsensus
  • OregonHealthForum
  • HealthForOregonians
  • HealthyOregonians
  • WholeOregon
  • OregonThrives
  • OregonConsensus

July 9 Meeting

Present: Amy, Pete, Jerry, Angela, Brandon, Shelley

The purpose of this meeting is to create version 0.1 of the following:

  • vision ... improve health for oregonians?
  • desired outcome ... a fully representative Oregon consensus that comprehensively addresses the health of Oregonians ... an accessible document that reflects the consensus of all Oregonians about their health? or a conversation about health? a fully representative conversation? fewer diabetics in 2020? more informed patients visiting the doctor? more preventative interventions, fewer acute healthcare visits? less helplessness? healthier according to standard measures (life expectancy)? spending less money on healthcare? spending healthcare dollars earlier in life? 1) educating ourselves 2) educating public/advocacy 3) generating legislation
  • strategy ... create a website where interested citizen can productively contribute to the consensus whether they have 5 minutes or 5 hours a week
  • next steps
    • Consensus on
    • RDI ... Rural Development Initiative
    • AARP ... American Association of Retired Persons
    • Lower income ... equity atlas ... measures indices of equity ... coalition for a livable future ... health disparities
    • Outside I-5 cooridor
    • Mechanism for participation needs to broader than the web
    • SeptemberWikiWednesday

Complete Steps

  • Brainstorm with Amy, Pete, Angela, and Brandon at Shelley's house -- Wed July 9 at 7:30 pm. Dessert provided -- yum yum!
  • Shelley coffee with Matt Th, July 10, 11:30 am Chance of Rain
  • Create one page vision statement for Matt to share with Archimedes Movement
  • Get Pivotal Tracker going and invite Amy, Pete, Angela, Gerald, and Shirley
  • Send note to Wiki folk about upcoming Aug Wiki Wed session

Pete's notes

People and lists to notify for Sept:

  • Christina (doctor)
  • Joe (doctor)
  • Bus project
  • A legislator or three: Ginny Burdick, Mitch Greenlick? Ben Cannon? Wyden staff? Merkley or Smith campaign?
  • Wendi

I'm working on the Oregon Health Plan article on Wikipedia, trying to improve my understanding of recent legislative and policy history. May branch out to other articles, but for now that seems like a good place to build up content. Help is welcome!

Also, I created a page for the text of the Healthy Oregon Act. It's just in plain text on the official page; let's wiki it up so it's more accessible.

QUESTION -- what is the relationship between the Oregon Better Health Act (SB 27 of 2007, did not pass) and the Healthy Oregon Act (SB 329 of 2007, passed)

  • Archimedes Movement initiated OBHA, who initiated HOA?
  • What was the timing -- did HOA arise due to the failure of OBHA?
  • What were the substantive differences between them? Why did one pass, while the other failed?

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