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~Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Training, and Pet Transportation Services~
Serving Boone, Campbell, and Kenton Counties in Kentucky and Hamilton County in Ohio


To The Rescue! Patti's Pet Sitting Service, LLC is a fully bonded and insured licensed professional company offering pet sitting, dog walking, dog training, and pet transportation services. As owner and principal operator of this business, Patti performs a variety of pet care service-related functions, including emergency pet transportation. "I take care of pets for clients who are on vacation or for those persons who work long hours each day. Many people hire me because they don't want to settle for doggie daycare or board their pets in a kennel. I take the animals out for walks and play with them in their familiar surroundings. My clientele and their cherished companions are from the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky metropolitan area. Most of my clients live within a 50-mile radius of my home. As a responsible and caring pet owner and advocate for many years, I feel very fortunate indeed to be operating my own business. Call me at your convenience if I can be of assistance to you. Please join me and other committed Greater Cincinnati Pet Sitters and support the positive advantages of shelter pet adoption. Help save a homeless animal."

Additional Information: Patti Sheehan is professionally affiliated with Pet Sitters International (PSI), the leader and pacesetter for the professional pet-sitting industry, and the veterinarian accredited International Vet Transport Association for Animals (IVETAA). She is registered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a certified ground transporter for pet relocation and transportation. Patti has also completed requisite training and proficiency requirements for Pet First Aid and emergency care procedures with the American Red Cross.

Glean these free Web site listings at Northern Kentucky Pet Sitters to find useful pet information and necessary pet products. A handy list of beneficial pet resources and products is provided.

A Cautionary Note

Before you rush to give leftovers and table scraps to your favorite canine friend, remember that certain human foods can poison or even kill animals. Dr. Cam Day warns owners about chocolate, onions and garlic, macadamia nuts, and other foods that "contain chemicals which rarely cause problems for humans, but for dogs, these same chemicals can be deadly." Cincinnati Pet Sitters and Northern Kentucky Pet Sitters urge you to read his article for lifesaving information.


I never would have guessed that when we adopted our little "underweight and timid" Betsy from the rescue shelter that we would ever have any trouble finding someone to take care of her when we went away. But as anyone familiar with dogs who have been abused and/or neglected knows, what you see initially is not always what you get. As our little Betsy worked her way up to a whopping ten pounds, she unleashed a feistiness that scared off one good-hearted soul after another. Her behavior, while sweet and fun-loving ninety-five percent of the time, is sometimes unpredictable and could result in a snarl or even a bite. Then along came Patti "The Pet Whisperer" to the rescue! Patti is the first person, other than my husband and me, to be able to look into Betsy's soul and touch her in a way that she feels safe and secure. I could not believe it when I saw Betsy jump into Patti's lap and lick her face! Patti has spent a lot of her own time developing a relationship with our little Betsy, and we are so grateful to her. She truly has a gift with animals, especially those who received abusive treatment. We are totally confident leaving our pets in Patti's hands! These thoughts are expressed with heartfelt gratitude. --Ann B. and Betsy (Woof!)

It is with pleasure and gratitude that I write this letter to you. I have used your company's pet-sitting service for several years. Patti has rendered yeoman service with exceptional follow-through. I would like to relate one of several problem situations she successfully handled during my out-of-town travel. When I went to South Carolina for a vacation, Hurricane Ike, the third major hurricane of the 2008 hurricane season, hit Kentucky. Needless to say, this was a "remarkable" event in itself. Patti called to notify me that the electricity would be off for about five days. She helped my mother clean out not one but two freezers (and subsequently became good friends with her). As if this unrelated chore was not enough, she even helped my landscape person clear away debris in the front yard as he limbed up a fallen tree for removal. I certainly would not have expected a pet sitter, any pet sitter, to have performed these tasks. I do not worry about my home with Patti there. My neighbors like her too. She offers the complete package. I strongly recommend her for pet-sitting needs. --Patti B.

I once read an article about "Alex," a famous African Grey Parrot who was studied for his large vocabulary. His owner researcher went on vacation and left him with the vet to be kenneled. As she was leaving Alex said, "I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I'm sorry." After reading that story, I often wondered if our dogs ever "thought" the same thing as they saw us driving away from the kennel. Keeping this in mind, we never stayed out of town for more than two days.

Our dogs are all shelter dogs, and they are happily adjusted in our home. The prospect of taking them to a kennel just didn't sit well with me emotionally. This time, however, my husband and I decided that we needed a longer vacation. But I was somewhat perplexed. Do I take four dogs to the vet for kennel cough shots and drop them off at a kennel? Who will watch the three cats? I had to find a better solution for our animal family.

Nancy and Patti made it possible to take a vacation without a care in the world. Our clan could now stay in their home and maintain their normal daily routine. Our German Shepherd, Rose, had unexpected minor surgery a few days before the scheduled trip. I felt confident that with Patti's experience with domestic animals she would be able to handle any emergency. We returned home to find the same happy, full-of-life pets we left a week ago. Nancy and Patti made it seem as if we were never gone. --With love and thanks, Jonni and Justin L., Rose, Finnigan, Elie, Daisy Bad-Seed, Jack, Pumpkin, and Stooka

Questions from Our Clientele

Q. I need to find a skilled and knowledgeable groomer. Please help me and offer some suggestions. I have had problems in the past.
A. Talking to groomers? Take the good advice of a top groomer and consummate professional who tries to educate people. What can owners do? The best strategy for healthier, happier pets is to take control and ask the right questions. For example, do you understand temperament and personality? How do you deal with behavior problems during the groom? Which animals are prone to infection? Do you have in-depth knowledge of breeds? What information can you give me about my dog's fur qualities and coat care? Do you regularly attend continuing education classes? Don't forget to inspect the facility's work space to see if grooming tables and instruments are kept clean and sterile. If you leave with the right answers (and observations), you should feel confident that your pet's welfare is their number one priority.

Reminder: Tag (and Chip) Your Companion Animals

Make sure your pet wears a collar with an ID tag, rabies vaccination tag, and city license. Include a contact name, address, and daytime and evening phone number. Consider providing a phone number for an alternate contact like a neighbor or family member, in case you can't be reached. And don't forget to update your pet's tags when you move. Also consider microchipping your pet to increase the likelihood that you and he will be reunited if he is ever lost. This message is presented by courtesy of American Humane.

Get to know Northern Kentucky Pet Sitters.
* * We offer the highest standard of quality pet care services at a reasonable cost. * *
Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, Dog Training, and Pet Transportation

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