Revision as of 21:39, 10 May 2007 by Scott Keeler (talk | contribs) (Deleted HighTraffic template)

Guitar Chords, Guitar Tabs and Lyrics

Chordie is a search engine for guitar tabs, lyrics and chords. It searches the internet for guitar tab and lyrics for almost a million different free songs from nearly 12,500 artists.

Searching is accomplished by a search engine or by browsing by artist or song. From the song window, Chordie not only displays the lyrics and chord letters, but also presents a graphical representation of the chords in an unassuming way.

Chordie contains an easy pull-down interface allowing users to transpose any song by up to -5 or +6 semitones. Another pull-down menu switches the chord charts to a multitude of instruments, guitar, left-handed guitar, 5-string banjo, Plectorum banjo, Tenor Banjo, Baritone Ukulele, Ukulele (C-Tuning), Ukulele (D-Tuning), and Mandolin.

Chordie features (excerpted from the website):

  • Search the Internet for guitar chords and tabs.
  • Indexing 954285 songs from 12457 artists.
  • Transpose to another key
  • Graphical chord grids
  • High quality formatting
  • Mobile browsing - when you are on the road
  • High print quality
  • Unique songbook feature
  • Multiple instruments and tunings, included left-hand guitar, banjo, ukulele and mandolin.


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14 Oct. 2006
"A website every budding guitarist or chord-based musician should have bookmarked."

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