Category:Dale Tincher

Dale Tincher is CEO of [1], a law firm Web design and consulting company. Dale (see his bio) [2] is a prominent North Carolina Web design and promotion specialist, endorsed Web consultant, trainer, writer, photographer and speaker. Dale is a business administration graduate (B.S.) of West Virginia State University. He served as a 1st Lieutenant in the United States Army with tours that included Vietnam. Dale has more than twenty-five years of computer systems experience, including employment by two Fortune 500 computer companies. Dale has assisted more than 200 law firms in various aspects of technology planning and implementation.

Dale is the project consultant for the North Carolina Bar Association's endorsement of, Inc., as the only Web consulting firms endorsed by the North Carolina Bar Association's Technology Assistance Program (TAP.) Dale's published articles include local and national legal periodicals. His speaking/training engagements include teaching more than 1,000 CLE students in the past for The North Carolina Bar Association, its sections and other U.S. legal associations.

Dale has consulted with numerous law firms regarding the functionality and search engine effectiveness of their Internet systems and Web sites, as well as developing their Web sites. Dale is a leading expert in Web site promotion and is the author of the PromoteWebs Web site and co-author of the Law Web Marketing site. He is frequently quoted in leading national periodicals, including an issue of Fortune Small Business. He is frequently asked to be a judge for legal Website contests.

Dale lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, is married and has three children. His hobbies include photography, running and sports. Dale may be reached at, 9913 Gralyn Rd., Raleigh, NC 27613, e-mail or telephone 1-919-272-8052 or 800-872-6590.

Pages in category "Dale Tincher"

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