Category:Olive Leaf Extract

The olive tree was the first botanical mentioned in the Bible, and mankind has revered it for thousands of years. Today, researchers believe that naturally occurring compounds in olive leaves may support healthy immune system function. Research scientists know of its pathogen killing powers and the body’s reaction to these elements. The body identities the active ingredients of the olive leaf a foreign material. It then binds this material to blood serum proteins. This action then prevents the therapeutic elements from reaching the disease causing pathogen. One of the most common disease causing pathogens is Candida a single cell fungi that lives within our blood stream, releasing powerful poisons and toxins as it multiplies. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates; by age six months, 90% of all babies born in the U. S. will test positive for Candida. By adulthood, virtually “All” humans play host to Candida Albicans and are thus engaged in a life long relationship. Later in life, the Candida can manifest itself into various symptoms: recurrent colds and flu, headaches, muscle aches or weakness, joint pain, allergies, asthma, or sensitivity to some foods

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