Title - Closing Comments...


Four years ago today, April 1st, 1998, this site started in it's humble beginnings as the SimCity 3000 News Center. After many designs, and two name changes this site has met it's end as It's been a long ride, but it's finally over.

The community just isn't what it used to be. Many fansites such as SimCity HQ,, and SimzOnline have already died out. The (sim) community really started when SimCity 3000 was first launched, but I'm afraid that is no more. The focus has changed to The Sims, and to be honest, I'm tired of it. I miss the old "simcity" community, where we were all friends. It's no where near as close knit as it used to be.

But that's not the only reason for the closing of It's time for me to move on to other things. I'm no longer a 14 or 15 year old with lots of time on my hands. I'm older now, with more responsibilites, and less time to do other things. It's time for me to cut something out, and it finally came down to this website.

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