User talk:Miclair

Welcome to AboutUs!

I have removed your edit from the history of Category:Cameras. Please make your edits constructive! URLs unrelated to the edit you're making in the edit summaries are not considered constructive. Thanks much and let me know if you have any questions. peace, TedErnst 00:00, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Hello, I redirected your talk page back here, because this page will have special functions if you are logged in with Miclair. You will get message alerts that this page has changed and other items on the lower left. Best, MarkDilley

Also, let's chat about what you are trying to do in the category.

Unrelated Links

Please don't spam the system with unrelated links and the like. The goal here is to make something valuable together. We want to do that with you; we don't want to be reverting your changes Ray | talk