Category:Replacement China

About China and Dinnerware Replacement

Much like glassware, the whole subject of dinnerware has roots in royalty. If you were a king or queen you could afford the finest of china, glass and dinnerware. I have always suspected that the custom of throwing a glass into the fireplace was a subconcious demonstration of power, destroying something that only the few could afford as a show of one’s financial position, perhaps a way of saying “You can’t have this and look at me, I can afford to replace it.”

Fortunately china and fine dinnerware has evolved beyond that sort of attitude. We no longer live in a society populated by only royalty and the peasant ‘trenchermen.’ By the way, trenchers were the wooden plates used by the peasantry, hacked or carved from wood and disposed of once thoroughly soiled.

Mankind also has a far more aesthetic nature and often enjoys surrounding himself with beautiful things. Creation of a home environment, that which makes a home rather than just a house includes being able to choose color schemes, patterns and themes and carry them out in ones household. China patterns and designs play an important part in that.

Whether your taste runs toward cool and elegant Noritake or a more daringly shaped Mikasa, whether you prefer the solid craftsmanship of Pfaltzgraff Ceramics, the oldest existing American ceramics company or the subtle European design shapes of Arabia of Finland or Dansk; whether the colorful approach to Homer Laughlin Fiesta or Sango Sweet Shoppe catches your eye, When you exercise your taste and start displaying one of the above, you are creating an ambiance.

Frequently fond memories are made of the family dining using the vintage china in grandma’s cabinet. What does a person do when faced with the accidental destruction of a teacup from that set? How does a parent deal with several daughters each wanting to share those memories with their own families as they set off into creating the aesthetics of their own homes?

This is where the china replacement dealer came into existence and where we hava a chance to shine. The opportunity arises for a service to people who want to locate a particular piece or pattern.

The advent of the internet allows us to search out items from all over the world for customers who are all over the world As a related example my father in law searched for 30 years for a particular book which was only issued in the French language over 60 years ago. In 20 minutes my husband was able to find a copy of the book for his father in France at a price that was agreeable to both parties and the book was mailed within two weeks. Changing dollars into francs was the hardest part of the transaction.

Much as other china dealers do daily, I have helped people whose china was unmarked match the exact pattern and locate items that they need to replace that ‘irreplaceable broken plate.’ There is an investment in acquiring an inventory and there is a major investment in time learning patterns and styles and studying the market to ensure that one’s investment is not overpriced but for me it is a labor of love and I have the opportunity to enjoy these works of art and to help others to complete the aesthetic presentation that changes their house to a home.

written by the owner of Strictly China -