


Excerpted from the website:

My name is Jen, and I’ve been blogging since early 2003. Where oh where does the time go? I was born on July 27, 1980 and have lived near Vancouver, BC Canada my entire life. If you want to know more, a good place to start is my 100 things. For other random tidbits about me, check out the memerific category. Some of my most popular posts are about my adventures in dating (which thankfully I seem to be done with for now), or those about my former crazy roommate (the roommate part is former - the crazy? probably still present). These are interspersed with the occasional comment on hockey, music, concerts, fashion, and the obligatory haircut post every 4-6 weeks. Total narcissism at its finest. But isn’t that what self-publihshing is about anyway? I don’t write about work much, because people there are apt to read it - and we all know what happens when you blog about work. However, it does take up a large part of my life, which just goes to show the incomplete picture you’re really getting.
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