
OurWork (1) ConsensusPollingAwareness:Staff (Who?) OLDOLD


  • Quick meetings with all staff members to gauge and improve the level of ConsensusPollingAwareness

Why this is important

  • ConsensusPollingAwareness: We want all AboutUs staff worldwide, to be familiar with consensus polling, when it's a good idea to create a new consensus poll, how to create a consensus poll, what the roles are, and how to talk about the whole process and share it with others.

We are done when

  • We have talked to all staff members

Plan for the last two weeks

  • 15 minute one on one meetings
    • checklist of key points to go through
    • have they gone through the tour?
    • note suggestions


  • Define the scope of consensus polling in terms of situations where it is applicable; and where it would not be appropriate
  • Make the participation process more user friendly
  • A user-friendly application for starting a new consensus poll (its pretty complicated right now)
  • consensus polling can take quite a bit of time
  • there are situations where consensus polling might not be appropriate, and maybe shouldn't be used
  • scalability
  • document can change often and people don't seem to change their status nearly so often, which means current status percentage isn't accurate at any point
    • "document has changed, is your status still accurate?" automated?
    • facilitator can review comments by the yes people and if what they say they like is gone from the document, ask them to review
  • good idea to have a few lines of "purpose" at the top of any consensus poll
  • when a newcomer comes to WhoWeAre, aren't the likely to wonder if we've already decided something about WhoWeAre? i.e. Arif was suggesting that maybe we should put our previous mission statement (if we have one) on top of the WhoWeAre page
  • can a person leave? yes, by taking their name off
  • EffectiveStaticContract
  • might not two competing factilitators lobby in opposite directions?
  • if there is a decision that needs to be done by a certain time, consensus polling might not work - CEO could put a caveat at the top to say that s/he will make the decision on a certain topic
  • holding a person or group responsible if something goes wrong, accountability - for example in a company, invest in a particular stock or not
  • most people participating (among staff) are there because they think they are "supposed" to be there, not because they care - so they just set their status to yes and go away, which doesn't mean there's a real consensus
  • there was a problem with the AdultContentPolicy where at least one NotYet person didn't feel like his concerns were addressed - no one attempted to help this person clarify the concerns and they never go into the document as it passed in spite of the not yet.
  • Some staff felt "badgered" by facilitators in past consensus polls. They report feeling that the facilitator had an agenda of getting them to "yes", not hearing & incorporating their concerns.
  • Some staff suggested that the consensus poll merely made it "look" like there was no conflict because everyone had a "yes" next to their name, but in fact, that just covered up the conflict.
  • Some staff felt that there was too much compromise. If one person wanted a red room, and another wanted a white room, they ended up with a pink room. Something neither of them wanted.
  • Perhaps those who are familiar with the consensus process understand "blocking" consensus. Without an understanding of this key power, I'm not sure that consensus polling can succeed. Folks need to understand blocking.


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