User talk:Andi Widiyanto

This is your talk page, a place for people to leave you messages.

Welcome to

Hello, my name is Asad and I welcome you to the world of wiki! At its heart AboutUs is a community generated resource for organizations, businesses and websites. You can search for any domain name (like "") in the search box above to reach its page. Moreover, feel free to edit AboutUs pages if you think you have anything to add to the collective knowledge of the AboutUs community. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or help you navigate through AboutUs. Best, Asad | *~talk~*


Hi and welcome to AboutUs. Please work on the wiki page about your website before attempting to add it to high profile websites. Otherwise you are almost guaranteed to be reverted. Let me know if you have any questions. Best, MarkDilley



I got your message about where to start programming. There are many places you could start, and classes you could take. My suggestions to start would be in learning how websites work. Learn about servers and website structure. Look around on "webmaster" forums. Understanding the basics there will help you get started. Learn about Linux and Windows servers, and Apache.

On the programming side, I would suggest you look at the basics -- HTML, PHP, and SQL. You'll find that knowing those languages, or at least how to work with them will serve you well if you want to start, manage or administrate websites.

Look on the web and in books for those things. There are many tutorials and learning tools out there for you!

DrewMyers | talk 20:34, 22 August 2010 (PDT)